Lisa Bishop

Welcome to Ms. Lisa's Webpage (Resource)


[email protected]

A young boy and girl playing basketball


Hello Parents,

Please take a look at useful links (to the right) for preschool resources and activities.

Thank you,

Lisa Bishop, M.Ed.
Preschool Special Education Teacher
Prince William County Schools

Illustration Of The Sun With Clouds.png
Sample Daily Schedule


8:30 am

Wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast, brush teeth


Play outside or inside-(see suggested gross motor activities in home activities file)


15-20 minutes of 1:1 time-book read (ask "wh" questions), play turn taking games, practice sequence stories, receptive language activities (see suggested activities in home activities file)


15-20 minutes-Song and Nursery Rhymes (provide opportunities for requesting)

15-20 minutes-Preschool Cognitive Activities (see suggested activities in home activities file), carpet play activities (e.g., blocks, cars/trucks, etc.)


Lunch (practice making requests for food items)


Rest time or quiet time


Fine Motor Play (see suggested activities in home activities file), Social Skills play/activities (see suggested activities in home activities file), outdoor/indoor play


Help make dinner, help set table
Calming activities, bath, pajamas, brush teeth, story time

5pm-bedtime Calming Activities, bath, pjs, story time



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